Grazie al finanziamento PRIN Napoli-Lecce sul tema: Holography and its relations to Cosmology, prende il via, a partire da oggi 31 Ottobre alle ore 15:00, una serie di seminari online coordinati da Massimo Taronna, Charlotte Sleight e da Claudio Coriano'.
Oggi, 31 ottobre, Kevin Nguyen (King's College London) terrà un seminario dal titolo
Flat Holography and the Carrollian Conformal Bootstrap
Abstract: In this talk I will suggest a new approach to scattering theory in flat space. The basic observation is that the Poincaré group is realised both as isometries of Minkowski space but also as a group of conformal isometries of null infinity. Our experience with AdS/CFT has therefore prompted the hope that some QFTs in Minkowski spacetime may be dual to some exotic CFTs at null infinity, a topic referred to Celestial/Carrollian holography. I will advocate for the `Carrollian conformal bootstrap' as a new framework to make these ideas very concrete and calculable, and which should broadly apply to any theory of massless particles. As a first step I will explain how Carrollian conformal fields most naturally encode the unitary irreducible representations of the Poincaré group (aka Wigner's particles). Then I will turn to the classification of two- and three-point correlations functions of such Carrollian fields and relate them to bulk observables. I will finally mention the next steps towards the Carrollian conformal bootstrap: OPE expansion, conformal block decomposition, crossing equations, etc.
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Passcode: 543004
I seminari si terranno il martedì ogni 2 settimane.