Nell'ambito del Progetto PRIN Napoli-Lecce, oggi 14 novembre, alle ore 15:00 su piattaforma ZOOM, il Prof. Henrik Johanson (Nordita and Upsala University) terrà un seminario dal titolo:
Scattering amplitudes for Kerr black holes and higher-spin gauge symmetry
Abstract: In a series of recent works it has become clear that quantum scattering amplitudes can be used to gain surprisingly useful insights to the dynamics of Kerr black holes. A simple infinite family of three-point amplitudes have been found, which describes the primary gravitational interaction of a black hole with quantum spin s. However, the corresponding Compton four-point amplitudes are not known except for a few low-spin examples. These amplitudes are needed for post-Newtonian and post-Minkowskian calculations of inspiraling binary black-hole systems. In this talk, I will show that the Kerr three-point amplitudes can be uniquely predicted from the principle of gauge symmetry. In particular, I will discuss the construction of a family of EFTs with Stuckelberg higher-spin fields that describe the expected dynamics of Kerr black holes. The EFTs enjoys massive higher-spin gauge symmetry, which is used as a selection principle for the non-minimal interactions. I will also show upcoming results for the Compton amplitude to all orders in spin, and discuss the matching to explicit GR calculations.
Per gli interessati di seguito il link su ZOOM: https://infn-it.zoom.us/j/
Ref. Prof. Claudio Corianò