Oggi, martedi' 21 Novembre, ore 15:00, su ZOOM, il Prof. Mang Hei Gordon Lee - University of Cambridge
terrà un seminario dal titolo
The cosmological bootstrap and the analytic wavefunction
Abstract: Inflation is the leading paradigm for explaining the origin of primordial fluctuations which seeds the creation of galaxies. These primordial fluctuations are encoded in a cosmological wavefunction. In this talk I will discuss how to compute the wavefunction using the cosmological bootstrap, which is a series of constraints from fundamental physical principles. These include unitarity, which results in the cosmological optical theorem, as well as locality, which results in the manifest locality test. I will then show how these principles can be used to establish no go theorems for parity odd interactions. In the end I will talk about the analytic wavefunction, where we attempt to follow in the S-matrix program and write down dispersion relations for the wavefunction. This paves the way to establishing positivity bounds for cosmology and linking observables in cosmology to fundamental principles.
Link https://infn-it.zoom.us/j/92638269074?pwd=QTJpNHFvK09ad00zMUFLLzh4UGRzdz09#success