A bifurcation approach to rate-induced tipping for nonautonomous concave coercive scalar ODEs - Seminario del Dott. Jacopo Longo
16 Aprile 2024 - Aula Seminari
Martedì 16 Aprile 2024, alle ore 15:30, in aula Seminari, il dott. Jacopo Longo, Marie Skłodowska-Curie e UKRI Postdoctoral Fellow all'Imperial College London, terrà un seminario dal titolo :
A bifurcation approach to rate-induced tipping for nonautonomous concave coercive scalar ODEs
This talk deals with rate- and size-induced tipping in nonautonomous scalar concave coercive differential equations. After providing a complete characterization of the dynamical scenarios for this type of problems, we show that, the only possible bifurcation is the nonautonomous saddle-node bifurcation and that all tipping points occurring for these equations are in fact bifurcations of such type.
Moreover, the detailed description of the critical transition is completed by rigorous and calculable criteria to identify the tipping and tracking scenarios without relying on the numerical approximation of locally pullback attractive solutions.
This is a joint work with Carmen Núñez and Rafael Obaya from the University of Valladolid, Spain.
Ref. Prof.ssa AM Cherubini